About me
In June of 2023 I graduated from the General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive program. The projects displayed below are a testament to some of the skills I gained during this journey. It's been a thrill to find and develop my newfound full-stack technical abilities and I'm eager to contribute to the field of software development.

Over the course of nine years at ShopperTrak RTC (a Sensormatics Company), I honed my expertise in technical communication, product support, team building, and management. Starting as a temporary employee spearheading a massive data analytics project, I gained employment sooner than the 3 months contract end. I worked with numerous operations teams over 5 years to become a subject matter expert, eventually leading the North American operations of shipping and receiving for over 2 years.
Picture of Joel Fuelling
AppYourself Appyourself Github Repo Link
Python, Django, PostgreSQL, JSX, CSS, HTML, MaterializeCSS, Heroku deployment.

Created for users to record potential roles or those they've applied to, log follow up contact name and date, and create and assign custom tags to each role

Login Info: aytest@yahoo.com
Password: apptest123

BrewVine Brewvine Github Repo Link
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Express, MongoDB, Google OAuth, Onrender deployment.

This application is designed for users to catalogue different types of adult beverages, edit/delete as needed, and see reviews made by other users.

Login Info: Google OAuth

OnCourse Oncourse Github Repo Link
MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Heroku deployment.

Oncourse is made to track course and/or class information of various types such as price, length per class, start/end dates, and others. This MERN stack app integrates EmailJS so users can email the app creator, Joel Fuelling, if they wish.

Login Info: octest@yahoo.com
Password: octest123